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Friday, November 9, 2007

Biographies of Passions Characters

Esme is the socialite best friend of fellow heiress Fancy Crane. The two met in the same boarding school after Esme was kicked out of fourteen others. Esme burned down their boarding school gym after she and Fancy were told that they had to climb rope, or else they would fail gym class. Esme is known to have a criminal background, having gone to jail because someone had planted drugs in her purse. While she appears superficial and flighty, she is surprisingly insightful and is known on the show for her memorable one-liners. Esme appears to be an alcoholic and often refers to her love of prescription medications. She has dated several public figures, ranging from Arab princes to rock stars. Currently, all of her lovers have been found dead such as Pete, Fox Crane, and Jake.


Noah had a happy childhood as the eldest child (and only son) of Sam and Grace Bennett. Noah grew up close to both of his parents, as well as his two younger sisters, Kay and Jessica. By the time the show began in 1999, Noah was already off at college and was preparing to begin his second year. He came home to visit around Christmas of 1999, though he was never seen on-air.
In 2005, Sam discovered that Noah, whom he had believed was in graduate school, had dropped out two years earlier. In reality, Noah had been making his way through life by gambling, squatting in hotels, and other activities not exactly befitting to the son of the chief of police.
Noah, going by the name Ned, met Fancy Crane at a hotel in Las Vegas where they barely survived the thugs they had crossed while staying there. Both returned to Harmony and eventually fell in love. Noah and Fancy's relationship was strained when Lena blackmailed Noah into pretending Maya Chinn, his former lover, was still his girlfriend or she would go after the people he loved. Alistair Crane, Fancy's grandfather, had arranged all of this to ensure his beloved granddaughter Fancy would break up with Noah. After the breakup, it was implied that Noah was sleeping with several women, but was not serious with any of them, before he became seriously involved with Paloma Lopez-Fitzgerald, who recently accepted his marriage proposal. The two were set to marry in a double wedding with Luis Lopez-Fitzgerald and Fancy in prison (prior to Luis's execution), but Fancy's sister Pretty Crane threw a wrench in the works, causing Fancy to call a halt to the ceremony. Currently him and Paloma are nearly the only happy couple in Harmony.
Luis Lopez-Fitzgerald

Luis grew up as the second of five children in a poor Irish-Mexican family. Luis was forced to take over as the man of the house after graduating high school because his older brother, Antonio, left town - Antonio had initially looked after all the younger children in the over-a-decade since their father, Martin, had disappeared. This led to him becoming the "man of the house" and the only kind of father figure for younger siblings Theresa and Miguel. In high school, Luis had been known as a superstar for his excellence in sports and academics. He became high school sweethearts with Beth Wallace, but, fearful he would leave her as his father left his mother, broke things off with her. Unknowing to Luis, now a police officer, his life would change forever in 1999 when lonely heiress Sheridan Crane, crashed her car into his. Although they were annoyed by each other at first, this turned to love. But love would not come as easy for Luis & Sheridan, as they spent years overcoming obstacle after obstacle. One of their biggest obstacles was Sheridan's father, Alistair Crane, who has always despised Sheridan and wanted to make her life miserable. He even went as far as to try to kill both her and Luis on their "honeymoon" by blowing up their boat. Although the citizens of Harmony believes that Sheridan was dead, Luis never gave up hope. And he was right not to, for an amnesiac Sheridan, (going by the name Diana) had washed ashore on the island of St. Lisa and was rescued by local guy Brian O' Leary, who actually turned out to be Antonio Lopez-Fitzgerald, Luis' long-lost older brother."Brian" & "Diana" fell in love and when they arrived in Harmony, they caused quite a stir. During Sheridan's absence, Luis had grudgingly gotten engaged to his ex-flame, Beth Wallace. But while he was quick to end things with Beth, Sheridan wasn't able to do the same with Antonio. Sheridan chose Antonio, and out of pique, Luis asked Beth to marry him. He and Sheridan were going to elope the night before the wedding, but missed each other at the judge's office. On the day of the wedding, Beth's mother Edna Wallace (who's nurse Precious was secretly in love with Luis) collapsed in the aisle, and while Antonio and Sheridan did get married, Luis and Beth did not. When the two couples happened to check into the same honeymoon hotel, Luis and Sheridan met in the hallway, and cleared up the confusion about the elopement. Unfortunately, Sheridan had neglected to give Antonio his medication that night, and he ended up needing to be hospitalized. When Luis admitted that he would rather see Antonio dead than on an experimental drug (knowing that with Antonio dead, Sheridan would be his), Pilar slapped her son across the face, but soon begged for forgiveness. Luis continued to pine after Sheridan, and when he learned that Sheridan was pregnant, he was thrilled...until he realized that his brother could be the father. Shortly after that, Beth announced to him that she was pregnant as well. Luis and Sheridan decided that they would raise her child and Beth's child together, with no interference from Beth or Antonio. Luis has grown to think of Sheridan's child as belonging to him, even though there is a very real possibility that Antonio is the father. Things took a turn when Sheridan was kidnapped. Antonio and Luis searched frantically for weeks, and finally found her. Luis was determined to find her child as well, but soon accepted that the child was dead, even though Sheridan just couldn't believe it. Once Sheridan returned home, she continued her marriage to Antonio and insisted to Luis that she wanted to be with her husband. Luis could not accept that, and continued to pursue Sheridan, which ultimately led to the events that resulted in Antonio's death. Sheridan and Luis were finally free to be together, but Luis' refusal to believe that their son *Marty Lopez-Fitzgerald was Sheridan's son and not Beth's continued to drive a wedge between them. DNA tests finally proved that Marty was their child, but Beth managed to leave town with the boy and Sheridan could not forgive Luis for not believing her. Luis left town to find Beth and Marty, and a few months later, his family was informed he was dead. Luis turned up alive and well in Otto Krause's home in Hawaii, and once he began to recover in the hospital he asked Sheridan to marry him, not knowing that she was already married to Christopher Boothe, the man who had saved his life. Luis became determined to win her back, even though she made it clear to him that she was going to stay with Chris and raise his son James Boothe, as well as the child she had recently discovered she was pregnant with. He went to Rome, believing he would find Marty, and he did manage to find Beth, but he was frequently distracted by Fancy Crane, whom it seemed Beth was trying to kill. Luis was on death row for crimes that he did not commit, which were the murder of Rae Thomas, and the murder of the Bartender Dylan. Luis was executed by lethal injection, which was witnessed by his friends and family. When Edna Wallace heard Luis was dead, she asked Tabitha to save Luis. Tabitha could not do it because nearly all of her power was used up, but Endora saved Luis by turning back time. Luis was then saved from being executed for a second time when Eve came in and told them to stop the execution, that Luis was innocent, that the person who really commited those murders is Vincent Clarkson.

Paloma Lopez-Fitzgerald

Paloma Lopez-Fitzgerald is the youngest of the five children of Pilar Lopez-Fitzgerald and Martin Fitzgerald. After Martin Fitzgerald ran off with Katherine Barrett, Paloma's oldest brother Antonio abandoned the family, leaving Pilar and Luis to manage the household. Pilar sent Paloma to live with her sister Maria in Mexico. There, a surgically altered Martin Fitzgerald and Katherine Barrett, going by the names Bob and Ellen Wheeler, were her neighbors.
Originally, Paloma wanted nothing to do with her Harmony family because of her being left in Mexico all her life. Despite this, Luis was able to convince Paloma to come back with him and Sheridan to Harmony, where their mother was very ill. As time went on, she mellowed on her stance with her family and truly came to care about them. Paloma had a boyfriend named Roberto. She has also become close friends with Simone Russell and Jessica Bennett. In 2006, Paloma became a major player in the Monk storyline in Rome. After returning to Harmony, she turned down Roberto's marriage proposal. She wasn't sure if she wanted to spend the rest of her life with him, and she couldn't abandon her family after all they had been through lately by leaving for Mexico with him. She recently quit college and her job at the Book Cafe for a more exciting job, as a cop. This move has worried Paloma's big brother, Luis, a cop himself. Paloma has shown that she is capable of being a cop; she recently graduated from the Police Academy. She has currently become the lover of Noah Bennett. Her job is in jeopardy now that the police have uncovered some of Jessica's dead johns, some of which she had disposed of their bodies and destroy evidence, making her an accomplice. Thanks to the magical misdeeds of novice witch Kay Bennett, Spike Lester was revealed to be the actual murderer and was arrestted by Paloma. Noah and Paloma nearly wed in August 2007, but it was iterruppted. The two are planning to wed sometime in the future, and enjoyed a romantic dream waltz courtesy of young Endora Lenox.

Fancy Crane

Fancy is one of Julian and Ivy's daughters, the younger half-sister of Ethan Winthrop, and the older sister of Fox Crane. She's also the only one of Alistair Crane's relatives that he cares about. Fancy is the ultimate socialite; she has no interest in anything but fashion, clothes and money. Fancy was first introduced in Las Vegas with her friend Veronica. Very much into bad boys, Fancy was immediately intrigued by Ned, and set out to catch his interest. Unfortunately, he was interested in something other than her. Despite a series of near misses, Fancy and Ned found themselves drawn together, and even went on the run together after Fancy stole a suitcase of money belonging to the mob. They gave the money to the nuns and eventually went their separate ways, never dreaming that they'd end up in Harmony together. Fancy was shocked in Harmony to learn that Ned was really Noah Bennett, son of her grandfather's sworn enemy Sam Bennett. The two tried to stay away from each other, but kept being drawn together. They became lovers, even though Fancy was momentarily put off by a love letter she found in Noah's wallet addressed to another woman. They broke up frequently due to the war between the Cranes and the Bennetts and Alistair's continuing plots to ruin Sam's family, but something kept drawing the two back together. One thing Fancy and Noah couldn't get past, though, was Noah's relationship with his former girlfriend, Maya Chinn. At first Fancy tried to get past her insecurities and suspicions regarding their relationship, but after an accident nearly killed her and she found them together in the shower, she broke up with Noah. Even then, she couldn't stay away from him, and the two got back together, but once again she found him with Noah. She went to Italy on vacation for a new start, and soon found herself helping her aunt Sheridan's ex-lover Luis look for his and Sheridan's missing son, Marty. She struck up a friendship with a young woman there, never realizing that the woman was her aunt's arch-nemesis Beth Wallace (who was also her half-aunt).


Sam Bennett is the elder son of former Harmony police chief and his wife. He grew up in Harmony, where his best friend was T.C. Russell. In his teens, he met a young woman named Ivy Crane. The two began a relationship, and Sam took a summer job on her father's boats to save money for a life together. Unfortunately, her father didn't think he would be a good match for his daughter, and kept the two from keeping in contact. Believing he didn't care, Ivy married Julian Crane just weeks after he left town. Upon learning that Julian was forced to marry her, Ivy ran to Sam, and they became lovers on her wedding night. She promised to run away with him, but when her father gave her an ultimatum (money or Sam), she chose the money, and left for her honeymoon with Julian. After Ivy betrayed him, Sam left Harmony for a number of years. He went to Boston, where, a few years later, he saved a young woman from a fire. They knew nothing about her. A piece of paper with the word 'Grace' on it decided her name. After a whirlwind courtship, the two wed. They soon returned home to Harmony, to move into the house next door to Tabitha Lenox, a woman who had lived next door to Sam's family since before he was born. (It is unknown what happened to his parents but presumably Hank, who was born only a few years before Sam married Grace, lived with them.) Three children soon followed -- a son, Noah, followed a few years later by a daughter, Kay, and a few years later by another daughter, Jessica. Then Grace was told she could have no more children. Grace and Sam had over twenty very happy years together, until one day, Sam ran into his first love, Ivy. Although he was no longer in love with her and had moved on with Grace, Ivy refused to accept that. She began arranging accidental meetings, forcing her attentions on him. It got to where one of her schemes almost resulted in Grace's death. On the night of her son, Ethan's, engagement party, Sam learned a shocking secret that Ivy had kept from him since their night together more than twenty-five years earlier -- the Crane heir Ethan was actually his son! He barely had time to digest this information when he learned that his wife, Grace, who they had just discovered was pregnant again, fell down the stairs, putting her miracle pregnancy in jeopardy. Grace lost her baby, and when she learned that Charity was sucked into Hell, she blamed both things on Sam. Luckily for Sam, his wife forgave him when he was able to prove to him that his past with Ivy was in the past. The two were planning for their new house, and to enjoy the rest of their lives together, when David Hastings appeared on the scene, soon followed by a son John, and some convenient proof that he was Grace's husband, and John her son. Sam had been suspicious from day one, but had no idea that Ivy was so obsessed with him that she had hired this man to ruin not only his life, but the lives of his wife and children as well. Seeing Grace's distress, Sam has determined that she truly wants David, and after he caught them in bed together, he decided it was well and truly over. Grace and Sam were able to make it through that event, because Grace explained that David was ill. Sam thought they were getting everything back on track, not realising that his daughter Kay and ex-girlfriend Ivy were working to destroy his family. Grace was forced to choose between her first love, David, and her second love, Sam, and Grace finally chose to honor the vows she made before God to be with David. Grace inevitably left town with David, which drew Ivy and Sam closer together, and it wasn't long before Ivy was esconced in Sam's home as his lover. Sam and Ivy nearly broke up when Sam learned that Ivy knew his daughter Jessica was sneaking out and partying but had kept quiet, but eventually the two found their way back together and got engaged.


Kay is the middle Bennett child. She refuses to get along with her sister, teasing her constantly. She developed a crush on friend Miguel, and uses her best friend, Simone, and his best friend, Reese, to try to get closer to him. His growing relationship with Charity is a threat to her, so Kay has been doing everything to get rid of Charity, knowing she is her cousin. When Simone suggested that Charity's long-lost aunt might be her mother's sister, Kay did everything she could to make sure that the two never met -- her crush on Miguel proved more important to her than her mother's happiness. Although she pretended to support Charity and Miguel, in reality, she was trying to keep them apart. After the incident in the mineshaft, Kay became more determined than ever to get Miguel...and sold her soul to Hecuba in order to get him. She helped Hecuba arrange for the demons of Hell to get their hands on Charity, but there's one the demons have their hands on Kay, too! Kay was lucky enough to escape from the bowels of Hell and get her soul back, but her flirtation with goodness didn't last too long before she found the Book of Spells, and cast a spell to entomb Charity in a block of ice, and created a Zombie Charity to aid her in getting Miguel. Things seemed to be going okay, until Zombie Charity developed a mind of her own, and now has her own agenda! While her plan has always been to get Miguel at all costs, even Kay isn't heartless enough to want her family dead to get what she wants. Zombie Charity has been threatening not only Miguel, but also Grace lately, and Kay is doing her best to convince Zombie Charity not to kill any of her loved ones. Zombie Charity was defeated, but not before Kay committed the ultimate betrayal of friendship. She used Charity's essence to make Miguel think she was her cousin, then seduced him. Miguel was horrified and disgusted upon learning that he had actually slept with Kay, because he had no idea it was her. They found Charity a short time later, and while Miguel is thrilled to have his love back, Kay is still wishing her cousin dead. Not only that, but she is fighting with Grace as well, blaming her mother for all of her problems. Kay watched the man she was obsessed with made plans to marry her cousin, and sought to destroy them at all times by threatening to tell Charity, even though Eve said it would be dangerous for her to know the truth. She also continued her verbal attacks on her mother, who would not help Kay in her schemes to destroy Miguel and Charity's lives. On Charity and Miguel's wedding day, Kay fainted at the Church, and everyone was shocked to learn Kay was pregnant! Kay was thrilled that her condition resulted in the wedding being postponed, and despite Miguel informing everyone that he never would have gone near her, Kay is telling everyone that Miguel was meant to be hers. She is basing everything on something Miguel said once in the mine shaft, which is that if Charity never came to town, he may have asked her out. Recently she vowed to move out of the house after her mother gave her a choice...either follow the rules that Grace and Sam had, or leave. So to punish her mother for not helping her with her schemes, Kay left in the middle of a blizzard, putting both herself and the unborn child at risk. Kay finally ended up at Tabitha's and blackmailed Tabitha into letting her live with her. Once she learned that Ivy and David were lying to Grace and Sam, rather than tell her parents the truth, she immediately began using it to her advantage, holding it over her mother's head whenever her mother wouldn't help her in her schemes to get Miguel. Kay also decided she wanted to learn to be a real witch like Tabitha, so that she could use the same evil she used to get Miguel into bed to break him and Charity up permanently. Unfortunately, nothing is working for Kay. Miguel is now wary of her after getting a glimpse of her dark side, and he is more in love with Charity than ever, even though Kay has just given birth to his daughter. The baby's life was in jeopardy numerous times, but it didn't stop Kay from continuing her scheming. She even used her daughter's health crises in an attempt to manipulate Miguel away from Charity. Although she is no longer willing to kill Charity to win Miguel (because she doesn't want to end up in prison), she is still desperate to break up Miguel and Charity so that she can force him to be with her. She refuses to listen to Tabitha and Simone when they tell her that if Miguel is only with her by force, then it's not love. When her niece Sarah died Kay didn't care about the baby or her half-brother, only how she could use it to get to Miguel. Kay continued to pursue Miguel, thrilled when they seemed to break up after Miguel caught Charity with Reese. Once she realized that Miguel was still dreaming about Charity and had no interest in her, she began plotting again full-force with Tabitha. Tabitha put a spell on Kay that turned her into a dog, and in that form, Kay went after Charity in Castleton, nearly killing her. When Miguel, trying to save Charity, speared the dog, it turned back into Kay, leading Miguel to believe he had accidentally speared Kay and not the dog. In the aftermath, Kay learned that due to the intensive medical damage, she could never have more children. When Miguel still refused to give up his love for Charity, Kay railed at him, blaming him for everything that had ever gone wrong in her life. It didn't make a difference; Miguel still left Harmony. After Miguel left Harmony, Kay began to turn her life around. Although still living with Tabitha, Kay worked double shifts at the cannery to support herself and her baby daughter, and began to become a responsible adult. She started realising all of the things she had done wrong over the years, and although she did not confess the details, apologized to her father and sister for everything that had happened. She was devastated when her younger sister Jessica started smoking, doing drugs and sleeping with older guys, and was unsuccessful in getting Jessica to turn her life around. After a few initially rocky encounters with Fox Crane, he and Kay began a relationship that became serious very quickly. Fox soon began spending a lot of time with Kay and her daughter, Maria, and Kay, wanting to do something wonderful for Fox, asked Tabitha to cast a spell that would make him successful in business. Unfortunately, she didn't listen when Tabitha warned her that she would have to pay the price for her request. Things started going sour when Fox all of a sudden began spending more and more time at the office, and more and more time with Valerie. Valerie was finally out of the picture, and Kay and Fox were well on their way to a happy life together when Miguel came back into the picture. He returned home for Pilar and Martin's vow renewal, but decided to stay in town after giving up his search for Charity. He finally told her that he was in love with her, and although she tried to convince him (and herself) that Fox was the man she wanted to be with, she couldn't stop herself from being drawn to Miguel. She was horribly jealous when he got involved with a newcomer, Siren, and when she learned that Siren was really a mermaid she was terrified that Miguel would fall prey to the mermaid's curse, but no one would listen to her.

Alistair Crane is the patriarch of the Crane family, which is not only the wealthiest family in Harmony but also one of the wealthiest in the entire world. As a young man, he married Katherine, herself a child of wealthy parents. They had a son Julian, but the birth was hard on Katherine and she was advised not to have another child. When Julian was a teenager, Katherine defied the doctors orders and became pregnant a second time. She gave birth to a daughter, Sheridan. Their daughter's birth significantly weakened Katherine, and although she lived on for a number of years, she spent that time virtually bedridden, dying when Sheridan was an adolescent. Alistair always blamed Sheridan for her mother's death. Although he did protect her when Sheridan killed Martin Fitzgerald shortly after Katherine's death, his idea of protection was to send her off to a mental institution in Europe and to make sure that she never spoke to anyone of what happened to keep their family name from being dragged through the mud. Julian he ruled with an iron fist, taking advantage of Julian's spinelessness and desire to please. In fact, he was responsible for ending Julian and Eve's relationship, and even plotted the death of their child, a son who would be about the same age as Sheridan had he lived (on the other hand, though, Alistair never actually saw the body...). After breaking up Julian and Eve, Alistair turned his attention toward adding to the Crane respectability. He threatened to disown Julian unless Julian courted Ivy Winthrop, daughter of governor Harrison Winthrop. While Alistair and Harrison concentrated on making sure that Sam Bennett wasn't able to send Ivy any love letters, Julian's pursuit of Ivy and Sam's not having written for weeks convinced her that Julian would make the perfect husband. Ivy learned that Julian was forced to court her the night of their wedding, and ran to Sam. She told Alistair and Harrison the next day that she was leaving Julian for Sam, but Alistair and Harrison informed her that the Winthrop family had no money, and that if she wanted to live the life to which she had become accustomed, she had to stay married to Julian. When faced with Sam's love or Julian's money, Ivy chose to stay. Alistair has been fighting for years to keep the Crane name respectable, and to keep Sheridan away from Luis Lopez-Fitzgerald. He kept Ivy in line for years by threatening to reveal her secret (the secret itself was never revealed, but since Alistair knew about Ivy spending her wedding night with Sam, he may have known Ethan was not Julian's son). After Julian made a public spectacle of himself with one of his paramours, Alistair disowned his only son, making Ethan his sole heir. Then once Ethan postponed his wedding to Gwen to explore his feelings for Theresa, Alistair disinherited him as well. When Ethan was discovered to not be a Crane at all, Alistair cut Ethan out of the family forever. Alistair launched a number of plots to keep Sheridan and Luis apart, starting with his plan to play the tape of Sheridan's hypnosis session with Eve proving that Sheridan killed Martin Fitzgerald, but moving on when that plot didn't work. Alistair decided that the best thing to do was to kill Sheridan. He used his influence over Julian to make his son help him, and launched numerous plans to end Sheridan's life, including poisoning her wedding ring and blowing up the boat that Sheridan and Luis were on in Bermuda. That plan seemed to work, as a body was found and was positively identified as Sheridan Crane. Both Julian and Alistair assumed Sheridan was dead until Sheridan returned to Harmony with her new fiancé, Antonio. Luckily for her, Alistair doesn't seem as concerned about Antonio as he was about Luis, as he has left her alone. Most recently, Alistair has kept himself occupied by sleeping with his secretaries, and plotting the downfall of Theresa Lopez-Fitzgerald. In Alistair's mind, it's bad enough that Theresa robbed him of his heir of choice (Ethan), but during the time that Theresa thought she was married to Julian, she attempted to claim his entire fortune, company, and estate for herself. Although she was sentenced to death for 'killing' Julian, Alistair used his influence to pull some strings to have Theresa saved from the death penalty (initially everyone thought she was dead) so that he could enact his plan of revenge against her. Alistair was recently discovered to be the man behind the 'Charlie' mask. As Charlie, he pretended to be a psychotically obsessed lesbian working for the hospital who moved in with Beth so that they could break up Luis and Sheridan to steal Sheridan's baby. With Beth raising the baby and Sheridan told it's dead, Alistair made Charlie disappear. He manipulated Antonio into committing Sheridan to the psych ward, convincing him it would be best for her, and the manipulated Dr. Ackland into giving his daughter electroshock treatments. Suddenly everything changed when it was discovered that Katherine was still alive. In reality, she had left Alistair in the mid-eighties. He had searched for her for years, finally finding her with her lover, Martin Fitzgerald, in Mexico. Once Alistair realized where she was, he was determined to punish her for having the gall to leave him. At the same time, he was trying to stop Julian and Eve from searching for their long-lost child together, but when Julian kept pushing, he finally told him that Chad Harris was their son, and that Whitney was sleeping with her half-brother! Although initially no one wanted to believe Alistair, they finally accepted the truth. With the Julian/Eve/child fiasco out of the way, Alistair refocussed on his first hatred; Martin and Katherine. He nearly killed them in Mexico when he arranged to have Paloma kidnapped, and even hired an assassin to take them out, but none of his plots were successful. Martin, Katherine and Paloma all came back to Harmony, where Katherine soon confronted Alistair. After being shot and taken to the hospital and making sure Katherine was blamed, Alistair was soon back at the Crane mansion ruling the roost. He threw a Christmas party no one would ever forget, disinheriting both Fox and Chad (he had previously disinherited Julian in the summer of 2000 and Ethan in the fall of 2000) and announcing that it would take only one word to break up Luis and Sheridan, then someone at the party tried to kill him by poisoning his cigar. Alistair ended up in Harmony hospital, fighting for his life. He flatlined on the table, but luckily Tabitha and Endora were nearby, and Endora used magic to bring Alistair back to life. Later, Beth confronted Alistair to find out what the 'one word' was that could destroy Luis and Sheridan. Alistair attempts to seduce Beth and fails miserably, but does tell her that the 'one word' that could break Sheridan and Luis up is ... mother. Alistair eventually regained his full strength, and his next move, after convincing Katherine to leave town, was to hold Katherine, Gwen, the baby and later Fox hostage on his compound. He returned to Salem to once again interfere in Luis and Sheridan's marriage, and to get involved with Beth Wallace. Luckily, before things could go too far, Beth's mother burst in on him and Beth with the news that Beth was Alistair's daughter! Alistair soon turned from arduous lover into reluctant father. He didn't want anyone to know that Beth was his daughter, but had no problems bankrolling her escapades with Marty and helping her keep Marty away from Sheridan. He went so far as to assist Beth is fleeing Harmony with the baby. It wasn't long before Alistair made an unholy alliance with Theresa -- he offered her the chance to be close to Jane, but made it clear that she had to be willing to marry him and be sexually intimate with him. She agreed, and signed the pre-nuptial agreement that also allowed Alistair to adopt Little Ethan and rename him Ethan Lopez-Fitzgerald Crane. Not long after their wedding, though, Alistair began feeling as though he was being stalked. It turned out he was -- Katherine's presumed dead sister Rachel turned out to be alive and well, and wanting to get revenge on Alistair for holding her captive for years after she supposedly 'died'. One night at a party at the Crane mansion, Alistair was stabbed and then someone attempted to smother him. While Alistair was in the hospital, Liz attempted to kill him again, and at that time revealed to Julian that she had been behind all of the attempts on Alistair's life and the attempt on Julian's life because, years earlier, Alistair had raped her when she was just fourteen and had left her unable to have children. The entirety of Harmony believed Alistair to be in a coma for many months, but it was eventually revealed that he was the monk that Whitney had been helping in Rome to find an ancient chalice that he believed would give him the power to rule the world. Unfortunately, before he could unlock the secrets of the chalice, the many Harmonyites in Rome discovered he was there, and he took off with J.T. Cornell in tow to escape from them.

Ethan Winthrop/Crane

Ethan Martin Crane was conceived during a drunken moment of passions between Julian and Theresa, on what they thought was their wedding night. Theresa's original plan was to pass the baby off as Ethan Winthrop's, but as soon as she realized she wasn't far enough along and Ethan would realize the truth, she planned to get an abortion, even though she had already felt the baby move for the first time. Theresa went to the abortion clinic, but despite having gone to the appointment, never went through with the abortion. She had resented him throughout her pregnancy, as soon as he was born, Theresa fell in love with her son, but denied him his father. For many months Little Ethan was at the center of a custody battle between his parents. Julian just wanted to get to know his son, but Theresa refused to let him anywhere near the baby, so Julian fought for full custody and won. He generously allowed Little Ethan to remain with his mother, even though she still refused him access. When Little Ethan was still in diapers, Theresa went to Los Angeles for a number of weeks while Gwen and Ethan Winthrop awaited the birth of their first child. The resulting events in Los Angeles led to the death of their daughter, Sarah, and an angry and vengeful Rebecca reported Theresa to Child Protective Services as a bad mother. After an investigation into Theresa's background, Child Protective Services made the decision to take the young child from his mother and to put him in his father's custody, where he spent time primarily with Gwen and Ethan, although Julian and Rebecca were both on the fringes of his life. After Theresa attempted to kidnap Little Ethan at Julian and Rebecca's (second) wedding, Judge Reilly (who was on the Crane payroll) was horrified at seeing the traumatic effects Theresa's actions had on her child and opted to terminate her visitation. By the time the issue came to court in the spring of 2004, Little Ethan had been used to living in the Crane mansion. Judge Sanders (who was not on the Crane payroll) initially ruled in Theresa's favor, but after seeing assault Gwen and Rebecca in the hall outside the court, Sanders opted to terminate her parental rights altogether as he did not feel she was stable enough to parent the boy. A few days later, with Julian's permission, Gwen and Ethan legally adopted Little Ethan, and his name was changed from Ethan Martin Crane to Ethan Winthrop Jr. Both Gwen and Ethan were thrilled to have him as a son, but while Gwen dreamed of a future with the boy, who was now school-aged, Ethan kept trying to think of ways to reunite Little Ethan with Theresa, even after Little Ethan made the decision to start calling Ethan and Gwen 'mommy' and 'daddy'. Theresa finally got her wish. After a long, drawn-out saga that included kidnapping, embryo-snatching, blackmail, rape and numerous lies, Gwen and Ethan agreed to let Theresa have Little Ethan back in exchange for the child she carried. Unfortunately for Gwen, once the baby was born Theresa admitted that she had slept with Ethan (although not that she had drugged him) and that the baby she had given birth to was actually her own. Because Ethan and Gwen had already agreed to give Little Ethan to Theresa, they had no choice but to return him to her. Theresa, Little Ethan and baby Jane were not happy for long, though, because when Theresa and Ethan fought over custody of Jane in court, Theresa was once again stripped of her child, only this time her parental rights were not terminated. Determined to get both Ethan and Jane back in her life, Theresa agreed to marry Alistair Crane and allowed him to legally adopt Little Ethan, changing the boy's name from Ethan Winthrop Jr. to Ethan Lopez-Fitzgerald Crane.


Julian Crane is the son of Crane patriarch Alistair Crane, and acting head of Crane Industries while his father does business out of town. The Cranes have owned Harmony for over 300 years, and Julian has no qualms informing the people of that fact when it looks like they're getting in his way. Julian wed Ivy many years ago in what was, basically, an arranged union between their parents. Before his marriage to Ivy, he'd had a relationship with Eve Russell, which had resulted in the birth of a son (who was stillborn). Eve is unaware that Julian knows anything about their son. Eve and Julian broke up when she met TC, before Julian and Ivy married. Julian has made no secret of his discontent in his marriage to Ivy, but they continue to keep up the pretense because both fear his father. His affairs over the years have been numerous since Ivy kicked him out of their bed (prior to that we were told Julian was faithful), culminating most recently in Ivy threatening to kill him when she found him in bed with Suzanne the maid. He has virtually no interest in his childrens' lives, except to give Ethan advice on how to deal with Theresa Lopez-Fitzgerald: Sleep with her now, before he gets married, then forget about her. Julian was truly devastated when he learned that Ethan was actually Sam Bennett's son, not his own. Since being disinherited, Julian's main goal was to discover what secret Ivy has been keeping from him, and to bed Gwen's married mother, Rebecca Hotchkiss. He was still his father's lapdog, but is less willing to go along with Alistair's schemes now that Alistair can't hold disinheritance over his head. Lately he has been showing more rebellion, because his love for his family is stronger than his desire to please his father. It broke his heart to learn that his beloved son, Ethan, was really another man's son. He tried to lessen the blow learning his true paternity would cause Ethan, but with only hours until the story would hit the newstands, he didn't have a lot of time. While in Bermuda finalizing his divorce from Ivy, Julian was approached by Theresa in her attempts to get him to reinstate Ethan as the Crane heir. Seeing a possibility of sleeping with the luscious young woman, Julian played along, bringing Theresa with him. He plied her with champagne, never dreaming that the two of them would become unbelievably drunk in the process...and wake up the next morning, Theresa! Julian is desperate to annul his marriage to Theresa, but Theresa isn't willing to do so just yet...she wants a few things from him first. So Alistair has ordered him to solve the problem...kill all three of the women in his life! Unfortunately, Julian never managed to carry that plan out...someone shot him, and he fell into a vat of boiling tuna. The real question is, though, is he dead or alive? While no body was found, there are a number of suspects in the case of Who Killed Julian Crane? And lately, his most recent wife, Theresa, is trying to claim the Crane fortune as her own. While Theresa is being executed for his murder, Julian is following the yellow brick road with Timmy, who is on a quest for the Demon's Horn. The two eventually found the Demon's Horn and returned to Harmony after it was announced that Theresa had been executed (Julian wasn't about to give Theresa a second chance to try to kill him), but unfortunately, Timmy wasn't able to survive his final battle with Zombie Charity. While talking about their love for the young man that had changed their lives, Julian and Tabitha themselves became lovers, which led to the birth of their daughter Endora. Julian and Theresa live in the same house, but Theresa has tried to forbid Julian any contact with their son. Julian was thrilled when he realized that he and Theresa were never legally married, and sought custody of their son, to whom Theresa had denied him any access. Even though he won custody, he allowed the boy to stay with Theresa. Rebecca spurred Julian into fighting for custody after Theresa's involvement in little Sarah's death, but Julian heartily regretted it. Ultimately, though, when the courts stripped Theresa of her parental rights, Julian agreed to sign away his own rights to the boy to allow Ethan and Gwen to adopt him. At the same time, Julian began to find himself getting closer and closer to his first love, Eve. Unfortunately, since Julian had married Rebecca, he was not free to be with Eve. Julian finally decided he would do whatever it took to be with Eve, but Rebecca tricked him into signing a document stating he would stay married to her. Nevertheless, despite his marriage to Rebecca, Julian made no secret of his love for Eve.
After much begging and pleading with Rebecca, Julian finally convinced her to grant him a divorce so that he could marry Eve. Things were finally looking up until Eve's ex-husband, TC, was involved in a drunk driving accident, and suffered a stroke. Julian soon became worried about all of the attention that Eve was paying to her ex, and things became even more strained when it was revealed that Chad was the biological son of Julian's father, Alistair, and Eve's adoptive half-sister, Liz, and not Julian and Eve themselves. Despite their newfound freedom, Julian feared that he would lose Eve to TC forever. Julian and Eve grew further apart, as Eve cared more and more for the sickly TC. The two called it quits, and Julian slowly began to show his dark side once again. He threatened both Tabitha and Theresa for custody of his children. He also began to heavily drink again. On several occasions he made vulgar and rude comments to the former love of his life, Eve, but one day he took things even further, as Eve found him having sex with Valerie Davis on his desk. Julian watched almost with pleasure as Eve saw what a monster he was becoming. Julian also influenced his son Fox to go as far as killing Miguel if it meant winning Kay. Eve and Julian tried to patch up their relationship but as of now it appears that they aren't heading back to happiness. Since Julian and Eve's break up, Julian has become much darker, and reverted to his old "habits". Aside from having sex with Valerie on his desk, he also slept with Eve, minutes after he slept with Valerie. He also began to casually sleep with Rebecca again. Julian and Eve's many arguments culminated in Julian getting physically rough with Eve. One day while arguing with his ex-wife, Ivy, the two were called by Eve and informed that their daughter Fancy was in the hospital. It was recently revealed that Julian and Fox hired Spike Lester to run Fox over, and help him keep Kay. Fox wanted it to be real, and Julian threatened Spike that he would have him killed if Fox died. Julian was utterly devastated to learn that Fancy had been raped, and began to drink heavily. He ended up having a drunken one-night stand with Ivy, following their daughter's traumatic experience. Julian is one of the people that J.T. Cornell was blackmailing and he may be the one who murdered him.ulian learn that Little Ethan is not his child.Also Julian had a few Rendezvous with ex-wife Ivy! Julian has also recently discovered that Tabitha and Endora are witches. Julian learned that Vincent Clarkson was his long-lost son with Eve, and also the blackmailer(July 2007).


Sheridan is the much younger sister of Julian Crane, born when he was a teenager. She has always felt much closer to his son, Ethan, who is only a couple of years younger than she is. Her life was forever changed when she was an adolescent, first with the death of her mother, and then with her memory of finding a body shortly after. Her family has always allowed her to believe she killed someone that night for reasons that have not yet been explained. She was sent off to spend years in a Paris mental institute (Ethan was shocked to learn of this, as he was always told she was in boarding school), and later in her life, became friends with the late Lady Diana, the former Princess of Wales. Sheridan returned to Harmony after being betrayed by her fiance Jean Luc, who wanted her only for her money (like so many others before him). She hasn't done much with her life up until now, always buying her way out of her problems. She couldn't do that when she crashed into Luis Lopez Fitzgerald's police car, and was sentenced to do 100 hours of community service at the Harmony Youthe Center. During that time, she flirted with and dated Hank Bennett, but it was Luis she fell in love with. It began in earnest when she followed him to New Mexico, hoping to prove Martin Fitzgerald was still alive, and was a certainty when Luis saved her instead of the man he thought was his father. (Turned out to be an imposter hired by the Crane family.) Overhearing (yet another) imposter hired by the Crane family to "be" Luis claim he was using her, she decided, once her 100 hours was up (it took her nine months), to return to Paris. Unfortunately, in Paris, Roger and Pierre (the two most inept hitmen in history) are waiting for her. Luis followed her to Paris, and has saved her life more than once, but she still refused to return to Harmony with him. In desperation, he kidnapped her so he could get her safely back to the States. She had him charged with kidnapping, which almost resulted in the loss of his badge. She continued to date Hank Bennett once back in Harmony, while still lusting for Luis. When it looked like the drug cartel followed her back to Harmony, the FBI assigned Luis to guard her (didn't really give him a choice). The two got closer and closer, even though Sheridan's dating Warren was a slight problem for them. Luis scared Warren off, leaving Sheridan alternately loving and hating Luis. Finally, in desperation, Sheridan went to Eve to hypnotize her about the night she found 'the body'. Her hypnotism seems to have revealed that she killed Martin Fitzgerald, but Eve convinced her that she was merely guilty about her mother dying at the same time, and associated the two events. With this out of the way, Luis and Sheridan were finally free to be together...only the drug cartel, his hatred of her family, her family's hatred of his family, and her dating his best friend could have kept them apart. Despite all of that, the two finally admitted their love for each other, but before they could make love, Sheridan was shot and killed, leaving Luis heart-broken. But wait! It turns out she's not dead after all, and it was a plot by the FBI to make the drug cartel THINK she was dead. The only problem is that everyone who knows about the plan is being held hostage by the drug cartel, and she's in the casket! Luckily Sheridan was saved from certain doom, and her and Luis finally got together. Unfortunately, their repeated attempts to become lovers have all been thwarted, the most recent by the revelation that Ethan is not a Crane. They finally managed to make it to the bedroom...and now they're headed to the altar! Luis has just become the latest in Sheridan's long line of fiancés. The wedding never went off when the tabloid sprung the news that Theresa sent the documents (although Theresa didn't do it, Sheridan believed it), and she and Luis went to Bermuda. After her body was positively identified after a boat explosion engineered by Alistair and Julian, Sheridan was believed dead. After Sheridan's death, a young woman named Diana washed ashore in Bermuda, and was taken in by a fisherman named Brian O'Leary, his good friend Liz Sanbourne, and their friend Doc. They nursed her back to health, and slowly Brian and Diana fell in love. Unfortunately, Diana developed a gambling habit (one night's worth!) and lost thousands of dollars. Her markers were all bought by Nick Bozman, a former associate of Brian's. Desperate to save Diana from being in Nick's debt, Brian decided to go back to racing, which he had previously stopped doing when it became dangerous for his health. By the end of it all, Brian paid Nick off, he and Diana got engaged, and they decided to return to Harmony. Once back in Harmony, it took Sheridan only one look at Luis' face to remember the love that they shared, and the two made love. Unfortunately, before she could break the truth to her new fiancé about her old fiancé, Brian (who was now known as Antonio) ended up in the hospital with a life-threatening illness. Rather than put Antonio's life at risk by telling him the truth, Sheridan elected to marry Antonio. She and Luis were prepared to tell Antonio the truth after a miracle drug saved him, but just then, Sheridan learned she was pregnant...and either Luis or Antonio could be the father! Throughout her pregnancy, Sheridan and Luis continued to keep the truth from Antonio, allowing him to believe that his wife was carrying his child when the baby could belong to either one. Sheridan was kidnapped a few weeks before she was due, and kept in the basement of the Wallace home. Her baby boy was taken from her immediately after it was born, before Sheridan could ever learn it's gender, and after she escaped from drowning, she was led to believe her child was dead. She developed a strong attachment to Marty, the child Luis had with Beth, and it didn't take long before she was convinced that Marty was hers. This feeling became even stronger after Antonio died and she reunited with Luis, but Luis refused to believe it. By the time Sheridan was able to get DNA results proving that Marty was hers, Beth had fled town with Marty, and Sheridan refused to have anything to do with Luis until he brought their son home. Shortly after Luis left town, Sheridan met Maureen and her son Mark. Hours later, Maureen was dead, the victim of the tsunami, and Sheridan was determined to care for Mark. Before Sheridan could even get used to her new role as surrogate mother she learned that Mark's father, Christopher Boothe, had come to town to claim him, and the little boy was really named James. Determined not to let James out of her life, Sheridan agreed to watch James while Chris worked, and before long, Chris and Sheridan became close friends as well, and Chris was there to comfort Sheridan when she received news that Luis had died. Slowly, the relationship between Chris and Sheridan deepened and as she fell in love with him, she agreed to marry him. Immediately after they married, Sheridan and Chris learned that the man Chris had rescued from Otto Krause's Hawaiian manse on their search for Marty was actually Luis. When Luis awoke in the hospital, Sheridan agreed to marry him and even went through with the ceremony, never telling him that she was actually married already -- to Chris. He soon found out, and Sheridan tried to make it clear to him that her future was with Chris and his son James (and the baby she was expecting), but Luis was determined to get her back. He went to Rome to find Marty, and Sheridan was left in Harmony, dreaming of a future with Chris, James, Marty and her child with Chris. Not too long after Luis was found in horrible shape, and was whisked to the hospital. Alistair had kidnapped Luis while he was trying to find Beth. Although a casket containing Luis's remains was brought to the Lopez-Fitzgerald's home and his family confirmed it was indeed Luis. Marty was held and tortured him all the time he had been gone. Sheridan was in a state of turmoil over who to be with, Luis, or her husband Chris. After some lying to "protect" Luis, Chris and Sheridan tell him the truth, that they are married and expecting a child. Luis is left heartbroken, and after several attempts to win back Sheridan, he is faced with the same problem as before he returned, the only way to get Sheridan back is to bring Marty back to her. Off he goes to Rome in search of Beth, during the Vendetta series - unfortunately, both Beth and Marty were apparently killed. Luis came back empty handed and broken hearted. In her grief, Sheridan suffered a miscarriage. While in Rome, Sheridan's niece, Fancy, after just breaking it off with Noah Bennett, became very close with Luis while searching for Marty and Beth. The two soon became a couple. On another concern, Luis had experienced growing suspicions of Sheridan's new husband. Sheridan has adopted Boothe's son, James, but is unaware that he is not really Chris's son or that Chris was hired to seduce Sheridan by Alistair. As Luis's relationship with Fancy progressed, Sheridan became increasingly enraged with jealousy. In severe conflict with her emotions, Sheridan's kindhearted and almost angelic character has changed overnight for the worse, becoming vindictive and bitter, and she has even resorted to scheming in ways that are comparable to the ways of her late father, Alistair. She is currently trying to destroy Luis and Fancy's relationship. Sheridan had initially talked to Eve Russell about what she was going through, even going so far as to confess to Eve that she wants her husband to die so she can keep James and then have Luis. As Sheridan's bad behavior progressed, she began to deny her unpleasant thoughts and schemes all together, putting on a facade to hide her new, negative personality. On April 27th 2007, Sheridan talked with Ivy and confessed to her that she has come full circle as a Crane Sheridan said that she will do anything to be with Luis. Ivy left Sheridan's cottage, and Sheridan stated, "Yes, Ivy. Go warn Fancy. It won't make any difference." From May through June of 2007 Sheridan has continued trying to steal Luis away from her niece Fancy. But she had to team up with Fancy in order to catch the blackmailer! Fancy and Sheridan bickered at the prison about Luis, and Pilar had to stop them. Afterwards, Sheridan went to the church to check up on Father Lonigan. Upon her arrival, Sheridan saw the Harmony Blackmailer! She almost caught the he-she, but it escaped. Later, she paid an officer at the cell block to put a camera in the bathrooms so she could spy on Luis and Fancy making love. She became angry, then she threw her phone on the couch and came face to face with the blackmailer. They were discussing on how Sheridan wanted Luis back, and the blackmailer wanted Ethan. They soon made a pact that, "I will find your niece Pretty if you kill Theresa." Sheridan was devastated but soon thanks to Kay Bennett Sheridan was possessed by a demon and she agreed to kill her friend in order to get Luis Lopez Fitzgerald back from niece Fancy Crane...and Pretty would be a secret weapon for Luis and Fancy's break up. Sheridan walked into Ethan and Theresa at the ward and Ethan told Sheridan to watch Theresa while he went to see Gwen Hotchkiss. Sheridan and Theresa went to a local coffee shop and they were talking about Fancy, Ethan and Luis. Sheridan began to get fed up and she went and got tea for herself and Theresa. She put rat poison in Theresa's tea to kill her because she got possessed by three of the demon elf's demon minions. With the return of her other niece Pretty, Sheridan has joined forces with her niece to bring down Fancy. Alistair has returned he ordered Vincent to kill Sheridan but thanks to Luis Sheridan is alive. Sheridan heard a gun shot she and her brother Julian rushed from the cottage to the mansion while in the study with Pretty and Fancy Sheridan learned her father was alive. Currently her and Luis continue to search for their alive son Marty.


Born in Harmony, Gwen Hotchkiss grew up in a small town outside of Harmony (in a different state) as the only child of Jonathan and Rebecca Hotchkiss. Her father was not subtle in showing his disappointment over the fact that his only child was a girl, and, as a result, Gwen spent most of her life trying to prove to him that she was just as good as the son that he never had. At the age of twelve, Gwen met Ethan Crane at a mixer that their boarding schools had, and became fast friends, soon boyfriend and girlfriend. They later went on to attend the same prestigious high school, though they attended separate colleges.
After Ethan graduated from law school,he returned to Harmony to work for his family's conglomerate, Crane Industries. Ethan thought he would one day take control of the Crane empire. Though Ethan assured her of his love for her, Gwen began to fear that Ethan did not love her the way she loved him and was only marrying her to please their families. Though he eventually proposed marriage after a talk with his aunt, Gwen turned his proposal down, explaining that she wanted him to propose because he was madly in love with her and not because he felt he needed to. Despite this mutual disappointment, the two did eventually become engaged when Gwen proposed to Ethan and Gwen began planning their wedding.
Unfortunately for Gwen, Ethan soon realized he was in love with his mother's assistant and their wedding planner, Theresa Lopez-Fitzgerald. Theresa had been in love with Ethan since childhood. Ethan told Gwen on the eve of their wedding and they postponed their nuptials. Gwen was angry to realize that she had been right about Theresa'a motivations the entire time and went to Theresa's home to confront her. Later, Gwen composed herself and proposed that Ethan date both her and Theresa and decide which he of them he truly wanted to marry. She promised she would accept his decision, but all along she felt he would discover that Theresa, from a working class background, would not fit in as a Crane. Ethan chose Theresa and proposed to Theresa at Midnight Mass. Gwen's mother Rebecca was furious and vowed revenge against Theresa and promised Gwen they would stop Ethan from marrying Theresa. Gwen agreed to go along with Rebecca's plans. Gwen's mother Rebecca came to her with a plan to oust Ivy Crane and destroy Theresa in the process by finding something scandalous about Ivy. Gwen agreed to assist in her mother search through Ivy's personal things, looking for anything that could destroy Ivy's marriage. They found the news that Ethan was really Sam Bennett's son and not Julian Crane's, and Rebecca copied the information from Ivy's laptop onto a disc. Theresa had known for months and had been keeping it secret. Disguising her voice, Gwen made a phone call and completed her mission by revealing the information to the tabloid and framing Theresa in the process. The perfect execution of the plan allowed Gwen to revive her relationship with Ethan. Yet, Ethan has always had feelings for Theresa and was about to end his relationship with Gwen soon afterwards. However, after learning that she was pregnant, Ethan convinced Gwen that he loved her and wanted to be with his child and her, and she agreed to marry him. The couple was married on December 19, 2002, despite Theresa's attempts to prevent Ethan from marrying Gwen. When Gwen began experiencing problems during her pregnancy, she and Ethan flew to Los Angeles to be under the care of a prenatal specialist, Dr. Abel. Unbeknownst to them, however, Theresa had also flown to LA, unaware of the Winthrops' presence there. While Gwen stayed in the hospital, Ethan unknowingly got into bed with Theresa. As they slept, the two former lovers kissed passionately. After seeing television footage of Ethan and Theresa kissing on the beach, Gwen left the hospital looking to confront Theresa, but by the time she reached the apartment complex she decided that she was blowing things out of proportion, and decided to spend the night with Ethan before returning to the hospital. She encountered Theresa down at the pool, and the two women got into a confrontation that ultimately resulted in Gwen being rushed to the hospital in full labor. [1] Gwen and the baby were both in distress, and Ethan was told he had to choose between his wife and child. Ethan chose to save Gwen, but before he could tell the doctors his decision, Dr. Abel advised him that they had lost the baby, a little girl (born October 7, 2003). Gwen was devastated when she woke up and learned her daughter had died. [2] Gwen was devastated to wake up and find her baby dead in a bassinet. After remembering the events that had transpired earlier that night, Gwen attacked Theresa with a bedpan and threw her wedding ring back at Ethan, telling the two that she wanted nothing more to do with them. Ethan and Gwen eventually reconciled, however, after Ethan made a promise on Sarah's coffin that he would never again leave Gwen for Theresa. Rebecca, meanwhile, began hatching a plan to make Theresa pay for Sarah's death. Engaged to Julian, the father of Theresa's son, Little Ethan, she had her fiancĂ© sue for custody of the boy after calling Child Protection Services on Theresa. Rebecca swears that Theresa will never get her child back. Later, Ethan vents that what Rebecca and Julian are doing is wrong. Gwen can’t believe he is siding with Theresa, but Ethan says Theresa doesn’t deserve to lose her child. Gwen says neither did she. Ethan says taking Little Ethan from Theresa won’t bring back Sarah. Gwen once again reminds Ethan of his promise. Ethan says he’s not breaking his promise, but he won’t sit back and say nothing about what Julian and Rebecca are doing. He says what Julian and Rebecca are doing is wrong, it is unjust. Gwen says she just can’t bare the thought of Theresa being happy with her child after what she did to theirs. Ethan and Gwen were devastated to learn that the fight in LA and Sarah's subsequent stillbirth had rendered Gwen infertile. Desperate for revenge, Gwen went along with her mother's plan to adopt Little Ethan. Rebecca had the Lopez-Fitzgeralds fired from any job controlled by Crane Industries and also had them kicked out of the house that was purchased by Crane money, a decision that Gwen did not agree with but went along with in her desire to punish Theresa. [3] In March of 2004, Theresa initially lost custody of Little Ethan for one year, the judge advising her that he would give her a year to get her life under control before revisiting the decision of custody, but after seeing her attack Gwen in the halls outside the court (Theresa had overheard Gwen talking to Ethan about the two of them taking Little Ethan in), the judge severed her parental rights completely. [4] In April Gwen and Ethan adopted Little Ethan as their son, renaming him Ethan Winthrop Jr. The couple also began making plans to hire a surrogate mother to carry their child for them. After selecting a woman named Heather Downs to carry their child, Ethan and Gwen believed that nothing could go wrong for them. Theresa, however, proved them wrong when she drugged Heather and locked her in a closet, then had herself implanted with Ethan and Gwen's embryo in an effort to use their child as a means of extortion to regain custody of Little Ethan. Though Ethan and Gwen were furious, they eventually agreed to drop their objection to Theresa's pregnancy only when they discovered that Gwen's eggs were damaged; it was nothing short of a miracle that Theresa was still pregnant. The three then signed a contract as to their intentions for the welfare of the children, and Theresa moved into the mansion for the duration of her pregnancy. Though Gwen was thrilled to learn that Theresa was carrying twins, that joy turned to sorrow when the doctors discovered that Theresa could not carry both babies to term. Though Theresa initially refused to abort one of the babies, Ethan and Gwen's pleas eventually changed her mind, and agreed to allow the doctors to abort the weaker child, a boy Ethan and Gwen had wanted to name Nathan. It was less than a month later, however, that Theresa went into premature labor and on December 2, 2004 gave birth to a baby girl whom Gwen and Ethan wanted to name Ashley. Gwen was terrified for her newborn daughter, and was eager to see her in the NICU. However, she was horrified to learn that Theresa had drugged and raped Ethan after mistakenly believing that she had miscarried Ethan and Gwen's child, and that the baby girl's biological mother could have been either Theresa or Gwen. DNA testing showed Ethan and Theresa to be the little girl's biological parents, and Gwen, after a reaction to a sedative an on-call doctor had given her, lost touch with reality and stabbed Theresa in the back with a scalpel. Once home, Theresa renamed the little girl Jane (after Jane Eyre). [5] Gwen, despite her insanity, was arrested and sent to jail for attempted murder. Ethan, understanding that his wife was in need of psychiatric assistance, went to Theresa and begged her to drop the charges; she agreed, but changed her mind after finding out that Gwen's attack had left her paralyzed. Gwen remained in jail, where she hallucinated of a life with Ethan and their three children - Sarah, Nathan, and Ashley. Later, after "hearing" her newborn daughter's cries, Gwen cut her wrists with shards of a mirror so that she could be rushed to the hospital and kill Theresa. At the hospital, Gwen again attacked Theresa for trying to steal her baby and was furious when Theresa declared that Jane was her daughter. Gwen was recaptured, but, after being left alone, she kidnapped Jane and drove to one of the Crane cabins in Ethan's car. Rebecca, desperate to keep her daughter out of jail, arranged to get Gwen and Jane, whom Gwen was referring to as Ashley, onto one of the Crane jets. Unbeknownst to Rebecca, however, that particular Crane jet had been arranged to carry Katherine to a top-secret Crane compound somewhere in the Atlantic. At the compound, Katherine, Gwen, Jane, and later Fox, who had launched an attempt to rescue Jane, miserably, were held captive by the evil Alistair Crane until Ethan and Theresa arrived to rescue the four. The six returned to Harmony, where Gwen regained touch with reality. She was saddened, however, to learn that she and Ethan had lost custody of Little Ethan thanks to a loophole in Theresa's surrogacy contract. She wanted Ethan to sue for custody of Jane as they had planned, but Ethan refused in order to protect Gwen, creating a truce between the two women: Theresa would not press charges against Gwen if Ethan and Gwen did not sue for custody of Jane. He warned Theresa, though, that if she continued her vendetta against his wife that he would take Jane from her as he had originally planned. Theresa broke the truce and pressed charges against Gwen, despite Ethan's threats to sue for custody of Jane. Ethan won Gwen's case, however, by proving that his wife had had a reaction to the combination of a sedative given to her by one of the on-call doctors and other medication that she was on, and he and Gwen immediately sued for custody of Jane. The judge, disgusted by the method by which Jane had been conceived, ruled in favor of Ethan and Gwen, and the couple was given temporary custody of the baby. Ethan, Gwen, and Jane lived somewhat peacefully in the mansion until Theresa allied herself with Alistair and moved in as his guest. The two decided that they would move out of Ethan's childhood home, taking Jane with them, but Alistair refused to allow this, threatening to sever Ethan's contract with Crane Industries and freeze all of their accounts held in Crane-owned banks. The situation grew even more dire when Theresa married Alistair and, upon discovering the magnitude of her miscalculation, repeatedly attempted to kill him,because if Alistair's constant rape and physical beating, the final time by poisoning his guacamole. In a true twist of fate, Ethan wound up ingesting the laced dip instead, and fell into a coma. Gwen was faced with the most difficult decision of her life when Dr. Russell informed her that Ethan's test results showed that he was in a permanent coma and would never regain consciousness. After locating Ethan's living will, Gwen decided to terminate her husband's life support. Receiving the support of Ethan's family, Gwen prepared to remove Ethan from life support - until she discovered that Theresa, assisted by an unknown man, had kidnapped Ethan. The police found the two at one of the Crane cabins weeks later, and Gwen was horrified to discover that Ethan's half-brother, Noah, and half-sister, Fancy, had aided Theresa in her crime. The three were arrested, and the still-comatose Ethan and Gwen returned to the hospital. On Christmas Eve, Gwen decided to postpone the removal of Ethan's life support. However, Ethan woke up and walked into Mass (liturgy) surprising everyone. Desperate to save his marriage and escape from Theresa, whom he found increasingly difficult to resist, Ethan requested a transfer at Crane Industries at Gwen's behest, and Julian arranged for Ethan, Gwen, and Jane to move to New Delhi, India. The three were ready to take off when Theresa revealed that Alistair had left her in charge of Crane Industries, and she terminated Ethan's transfer. The Winthrops, penniless after Theresa blacklisted their names from employers, moved to the Bed & Breakfast. Gwen, meanwhile, was thrilled when she received a request for an interview with the exclusive Collier & Company. She and Ethan talked things through, and eventually decided that Gwen would end her role as stay-at-home mother and return to the workforce while Ethan would wait out the remainder of his contract with Crane as a stay-at-home father. Gwen went to work for Collier, fascinated by the work there, unaware that Theresa had bribed Mr. Collier to hire her and keep her busy there so that Theresa could move in on Ethan. Gwen was terrified when Theresa caught up with tabloid editor J. T. Cornell in Rome because she believed that the secret she had been keeping for so long, that it was her and Rebecca that had clued the tabloids off to Ethan's true paternity, would finally come out, but luckily Ethan refused to believe Theresa's claims. Arriving in Rome, Gwen even destroyed Theresa's cell phone to prevent the truth from coming out when Theresa took a photo of her and Cornell talking, and she eventually paid Cornell off to leave Rome. Gwen's relief was short-lived; although Theresa officially gave up on prising her husband from her while they were in Rome, Ethan, upon returning, was increasingly unable to stay away from Theresa. Gwen attempted to convince herself that Theresa's burgeoning relationship with Harmony newcomer Jared Casey was good news for her marriage, but Ethan's preoccupation with proving Jared's unsuitability as a mate for Theresa undermined her efforts. Unbeknownst to Gwen (or Jared), Theresa and Ethan carried on a mini-affair in the fall of 2006, which began when Ethan--drunken and jealous of Jared--inadvertently stumbled into Theresa's hotel room rather than his own. Gwen, though, was well aware of her husband's emotional infidelity; in December 2006, upon realizing her husband was having a lascivious dream involving her rival, she woke him up and threw her wedding ring at him (although she later swallowed her pride to ask him for the ring back and a fresh start in their marriage). Gwen discovered Theresa and Ethan in bed together in late January 2007, and left him, telling him that it was clear he would always love Theresa, and that she, Gwen, deserved someone who loved only her. Ethan, in a moral effort to preserve his marriage, told her that it would violate their custody agreement if she took Jane; to prove she was serious about leaving, Gwen smashed her wedding ring with a hammer and bid her beloved stepdaughter a heartbreaking goodbye. On February 23, 2007, Gwen sent Ethan a petition for divorce. In May 2007, Gwen was seen several times at an undisclosed location, on one occasion mysteriously tied to a bed. Over the phone, she told her mother and Ethan that she wasn't coming back to Harmony, that she had a "new man in [her] life now"; she said she never planned on fighting Ethan or Theresa again. Gwen returned to Harmony on June 21, 2007. She followed Ethan to the Russell's home, where she interrupted Ethan with Theresa, called Theresa a fool for not seizing the opportunity to be with Ethan once she, Gwen, walked away, and calling Ethan a "loser" for holding onto Theresa. Walking away, Gwen admitted that, while she hates Ethan, she also still loves him. When Gwen and Rebecca found out that Little Ethan was biological son, and that Theresa knew, she decided to reveal Theresa's deception at Ethan and Theresa's wedding (Gwen and Ethan were officially divorced on July 20). However, Chad Harris-Crane locked Gwen and Rebecca in a bathroom, and Ethan and Theresa left for their honeymoon before Gwen could expose Theresa. Gwen and Rebecca followed the newlyweds to their hotel, where they ran into a very-much-alive Alistair Crane, who was furious at Theresa (to whom he was still married, as he was not dead as previously believed) for tricking him into making Little Ethan his heir despite possessing no Crane blood. Alistair sent poisoned strawberries into Ethan and Theresa's suite; however, Ethan ate them instead, and fell into a coma. Though Gwen wanted to stay by Ethan, finally admitting to her mother that she still loved Ethan, she left when she received word that her "new man" was ill. She rushed away to be with him, despite Rebecca's protests. She returned on September 7, as Ethan and Theresa were waiting to meet his son (Pilar was to bring Little Ethan), and introduced them to her "new man": a baby boy, her son with Ethan. Currently her baby Jonathan has been moved to stable conditions in the hospital due to liver failure. Gwen's plan to win Ethan back is working.


Eve was originally the only child of Warren Johnson and Tanya Lincoln Johnson (she has since been given a sister). Raised in a wealthy home and loved by her grandmother, for whom she was named, Eve's first pain was suffered when her beloved grandmother died when she was eight years old. As a teenager, she got involved with a teenaged Julian Crane while she was singing in a jazz club in Boston. She and Julian were deeply in love, but when she found herself pregnant, she and Julian separated, and she gave birth to a son in Boston with only her good friend Crystal Harris in attendance. She never told Julian of her pregnancy, and indeed, Julian had no idea at the time that she was carrying his child. She resumed her relationship with Julian, but when she met T.C. Russell, she broke things off with Julian permanently, because she wanted a chance at a life with T.C. By the time she married T.C., she had a degree from the best medical schools in the world. Eve made certain that T.C. had no idea of her past. She hid her privileged upbringing to an extent, saying that she was raised by two maiden aunts after the deaths of her parents. She explained away the money that Alistair Crane had given her to stay out of Julian's life by claiming it was her trust fund. A few years into their marriage, Eve became pregnant with their eldest daughter Whitney, and a year later gave birth to Simone. All the while she was careful to make sure that no one in her family found out the truth about her. She has hidden the existance of the son she was told died at birth, and has never revealed to her husband or daughters how much she once truly loved Julian Crane, before his father destroyed all that was good in him. Eve's life was picture perfect until people from her past started showing up, most notably a young man named Chad Harris. Born in Harmony around the same time her son was born in Boston, she recognized the name Harris the moment she heard it. Things were made even stickier when Orville Perkins, an elderly man with a mysterious (and never discovered) connection to Eve's past showed up, warning Eve about Chad getting involved with her daughters. The only hard proof that ever existed of her past with Julian was a series of erotic pictures that she and Julian had posed for, and which Orville had in his possession. When the statue got near Charity, she began seeing visions of Julian and Eve as lovers, but luckily for Eve, Charity opted to keep quiet about what she saw. Ivy wasn't as agreeable though...once she got her hands on the statue, she used the photographs to blackmail Eve into helping her sabotage Sam and Grace's marriage so that Ivy could manipulate Sam into coming back to her. Eve thought she was safe when she believed the pictures destroyed, and when she managed to get Orville into an old folk's home, but Ivy continued to use her knowledge to blackmail her. First she manipulated Eve into saying that Ethan was born a few weeks premature so that Sam didn't think there was any possiblility that Ethan was his son (a fact that hasn't been addressed since), then much later she bribed Eve into saying that Grace was young John Hastings mother, and therefore, David Hastings' true wife. She was one of the prime suspects in Julian's murder investigation, but since Julian has miraculously come back from the dead, everyone seems to have forgotten that he was shot in the first place. Eve nearly destroyed Ivy when Ivy arranged to have Whitney drugged to prove to Eve that she could destroy her and her entire family, but she kowtowed to Ivy's demands, and will do whatever Ivy asks of her. Eve thought she was finally getting things back on track. Her daughter, Simone, is very in love with her boyfriend, Chad, and her daughter, Whitney, is concentrating on her tennis career. But then a woman from Eve's past showed up in town...her sister Liz. Liz had never forgiven Eve for not coming back to the family after her son died, even though their parents had disowned Eve when she refused to get rid of her child. Liz spent months threatening to tell T.C. the truth, causing Eve to lean even heavier on Julian. Liz finally sprung Eve's aunt Irma from the nursing home (which also revealed that Liz and Eve were only half-sisters, not full sisters) and brought her to Harmony, where she told everything. Eve left the house and after singing her heart out at the Blue Note, fell into bed with Julian Crane. Despite initially still loving T.C., Eve couldn't stop T.C. from pursuing a divorce, and it wasn't long before she and Julian were officially a couple.


A witch over three hundred years old, Tabitha has been in Harmony for that entire time in one incarnation or another. Originally burned to death by the puritans in the 1600s (the ancestors of Grace, Ivy, and Julian), Tabitha set the fire in Boston that resulted in Grace's amnedia Tabitha is over three hundred years old, and is Harmony's most notable ex-witch. For years her powers kept the Standish women from reaching their full powers, but when she failed to kill Charity Standish, the most powerful Standish woman to date, she was stripped of her own powers. Since then, she has to try to appease the evil in the basement. Now she and her little friend Timmy just try to avoid Hecuba, a witch Tabitha imprisoned in a cave hundreds of years ago. Tabitha has had countless plots to defeat the goodness in Harmony, particularly Charity Standish, but none of them ever worked. Through flashbacks, viewers have learned that years ago, she cursed all the citizens of Harmony after they burned her at the stake. She cursed them again when her Timmy recently died, and was determined to get revenge. She was all set to kill Julian Crane...until she became his lover! After her night of passion with Julian, Tabitha was shocked to realize that she was pregnant. After trying to hide her condition for many months, Tabitha was finally outted when the town realized she was also expecting. At the same time, Tabitha brought Kay Bennett into her home (courtesy a little blackmail from Kay), and after Endora's birth, Kay and Tabitha have continued to live together, raising their daughters in a world of evil and witchcraft.


Theresa was just a toddler when her father disappeared. With her mother working two jobs, Theresa was raised primarily by her oldest brother, Antonio, for the next few years. Antonio disappeared when Theresa was a teenager, at which point in time Pilar and Luis then took over caring for Theresa and Miguel. Theresa was always a dreamer, and even believed she was a real princess as a child. As an adolescent, she would pore over the tabloids, and developed a teenage crush on Ethan Crane (now Ethan Winthrop), the son of her mother's employer, Ivy. Although she had never met him, she became convinced that Ethan would show up at her door one day and tell her that he wanted only her, and refused to date in high school or even to go to school functions or dances for fear of missing Ethan's visit. The show picked up the summer before Theresa's senior year of high school. Theresa began a brief relationship with Ethan Crane in the fall of 2000. They were engaged to be married Christmas Eve of that year, and remained so even after Ethan learned he was Sam Bennett's son and turned his back on the Crane fortune, changing his surname to Winthrop. Theresa promised her mother that she would not sleep with Ethan before the wedding, and the two kept that promise until the eve of their wedding, when they decided that they weren't technically breaking their promise because it was after midnight. The wedding was interrupted when Ethan's enraged mother, Ivy Winthrop, crashed her car into the church before they could take their vows and produced a tabloid claiming that Theresa had sent the information on Ethan's paternity to the tabloids (the information had actually been sent from Theresa's computer by her rival Gwen Hotchkiss and Gwen's mother, Rebecca). Ethan didn't believe the tabloids and told Theresa that, but Theresa fled to Bermuda, determined to find Julian and convince him to adopt Ethan and make him the Crane heir any way she had to. After weeks in Bermuda (which the show originally purported was only two days, but later had to revise for storyline consistency), Theresa returned home to Harmony and resumed her relationship with Ethan. He was furious to learn she had drunkenly married Julian, but forgave her on the condition that she stop lying to him. She soon learned she was pregnant but lied to Ethan about it when she signed the annulment papers. Although she had initially planned to pass the baby off as Ethan's, she soon realized that he would know she was not far enough along for it to have been his child (it was this plot that necessitated the Bermuda timeline revision), and she briefly considered having an abortion. Unfortunately, Ethan learned of her pregnancy, like her marriage, in yet another tabloid reveal, and broke things off with her because he couldn't trust her. Although Theresa continued to pursue Ethan with varying degrees of success, they were never able to get their romance back on track. He wed Gwen Hotchkiss in 2003 when he found out he had impregnated her. In early 2004, Theresa declared that she was over Ethan, and took a trip to Los Angeles to absent herself from Gwen and Ethan's relationship during Gwen's problem pregnancy -- but as it turned out, Ethan and Gwen were already there to see a surrogacy specialist. While Gwen was in the hospital, Ethan and Theresa shared a few kisses after Theresa seduced him; they were caught on camera, and Gwen ended up seeing them from her hospital bed on the evening news! Gwen and Theresa had an encounter at the apartment complex that evening that led to Gwen and Ethan's daughter being stillborn. [2] After they all returned to Harmony, Rebecca formulated a plan to take Little Ethan away from Theresa. Little Ethan was eventually adopted by Ethan and Gwen. To get her son back, Theresa drugged and kidnapped Ethan and Gwen's surrogate Heather Downs and had herself implanted with Gwen and Ethan's fertilized embryo. She planned to trade the baby for Little Ethan. When Theresa believed she lost the baby, she initially tried to get Fox Crane to impregnate her, but he refused. Knowing she had only a small window, she stole a date rape drug from Eve Russell and slipped it into Ethan's wine, then dressed up like Gwen and snuck into his bed. Ethan has always assumed that the night was completely consensual, as Theresa has continued to lie to him about drugging him. Thereafter, Theresa was pregnant with an unusual set of twins -- one presumably belonged to Ethan and Gwen, and the other to Ethan and Theresa. Theresa was eventually unable to carry both children to term, and the boy was medically aborted. After the baby girl was born fourteen weeks early[3], Theresa shocked Gwen (who believed she was the child's biological mother) with the news that the child might be hers, and that she had no intent on giving her up no matter who the biological mother was. DNA tests were performed on the newborn to establish both paternity and maternity, and Ethan and Theresa were confirmed to be the biological parents of Jane. Ethan's intent was to sue Theresa for custody of Jane, but after Gwen kidnapped Jane and stabbed Theresa, Ethan offered to let Theresa have the baby if she would stop the war with Gwen and not press charges. After she pressed charges and Ethan realized it was because she was hoping that he would leave Gwen for her, Ethan went ahead with his original plans to sue for custody of his daughter. Gwen was acquitted in court after Eve testified to the court that her break from reality had been brought on by drug interactions and that Gwen could not be held responsible for her actions, and the judge awarded temporary custody to Gwen and Ethan, in part due to her concern over how Jane was conceived. Gwen and Ethan later had Theresa stripped of visitation rights and made plans to move out of the country with Jane, which Theresa foiled by again blackballing Ethan career-wise. Unfortunately, Theresa's inability to get past her need to have sole custody of Jane, once the situation had stabilized, in combination with the unsavory details of Jane's conception, led to Ethan and Gwen successfully winning custody of Jane later that year, after which time Theresa insisted she would never forgive Ethan. Theresa wed Alistair Crane in 2005 after he promised to help her get back her daughter Jane, and because she wanted access to the Crane mansion itself, where she believed she could uncover information that would clear her name in regards to her wedding day tabloid scandal. Unbeknownst to Theresa, Harmony's arch villain had plans to use her, as well; she signed a pre-nuptial agreement in which she consented to sexual relations with him (her later attempts to renege led to her being repeatedly raped in the fall of 2005) and she also signed her consent to Alistair's adoption of her son, Little Ethan, who would become the new Crane heir, to be molded in Alistair's image. Unable to leave her son despite Ethan's offers to help her escape, Theresa made the best out of her situation, frantically fantasizing about the man she loved while the elderly Alistair used her body (and while, on one notable occasion, her rival Gwen prevented Ethan from stopping Alistair from raping Theresa). She eventually began repeated attempts to murder Alistair, one of which attempts went horribly awry when Ethan consumed the poison intended for Alistair and went into a coma. Both during her husband's coma (which he faked as part of a trick to lure Harmony residents to Rome) and since his supposed July 2006 demise in Italy (where his train was struck by a missile), Theresa assumed control of Crane Industries on behalf of her son. She's used Alistair's money and power to mixed ends--bribing and blackmailing employers to prevent Ethan from getting a job and to trap Gwen in one, but also shoring up Crane fiscally, attempting to make the company both stronger and fairer as her son's inheritance. There remains some question as to the extent to which Theresa would have power at Crane were it publicly known that her child is not Julian Crane's son, but Ethan Winthrop's, a question complicated by Alistair Crane having legally adopted the boy. Jared Casey was the new guy in town in July/August 2006 when he set his eyes on Theresa. Jared first met Theresa when she spilled her drink on Jared at the Blue Note night club. Jared became irate and began to argue with Theresa. Later he apologized and asked Theresa to dance; she agreed in order to annoy Gwen by making Ethan jealous. The two had a tense early relationship, with Jared repeatedly making claims and remarks that Theresa perceived as being chauvinistic, materialistic, or otherwise intolerant, a fact which was complicated by Jared's failure to recognize Theresa as the CEO of Crane Industries; but, once the case of mistaken identity was overcome, he gradually proved to her that she had been oversensitive. She gave him a chance to help her move on from Ethan, as well as what had been earmarked as Ethan's job as head legal counsel at Crane Industries, and he gave her romance, attention, and the pet name "Tess," which she initially didn't care for. The arc of their relationship from the time they met in the late summer 2006, until Jared proposed to Theresa at Kay and Fox's wedding around New Year's 2007, was characterized by Theresa's conviction that Jared would be the man who finally allowed her to get over Ethan Winthrop. However, Ethan's jealousy of Jared and conviction that the man was a liar and a criminal who was hiding a significant secret led to Ethan's frequent interference in Theresa's relationship with her new beau; Jared, in that time, broke off his relationship with "Tess" multiple times, believing she was still pining for her old flame. Recently, Jared and Theresa's relationship was cemented with their marriage, but all is much more complicated than it seems to Jared Casey (see "2007" section below). In January 2007, Harmony's "Nightstalker" (who is presumed to be the same entity alternately referred to as "the peeping tom," "the rapist," "the blackmailer," and "the half-man/half-woman") put Ethan in a potion-induced trance, whereupon Ethan drove across town, crawled into bed with Theresa and began making love to her in the darkness. The pair were caught by Jared and Gwen; Gwen decided to leave Ethan and filed for divorce, while Jared, believing Theresa's claim that, in the darkness, she'd believed she was making love to him and not Ethan, insisted that Theresa file sexual assault charges. When Theresa refused, Jared left her, accurately perceiving that she still had feelings for her ex. Shortly thereafter, Ethan and Jane moved into the Crane mansion with Theresa, and Theresa and Ethan discussed starting anew with one another now that they were both free. With Gwen out of the picture, Theresa prepared to tell Ethan the truth--that her son was also his, and not Julian Crane's. The idyll, however, was short-lived; Theresa realized she needed her son's Crane status to hold onto the money and resources necessary to save her brothers' lives, as the blackmailer, who had framed Theresa's brothers for crimes they were innocent of, used his knowledge of Theresa's secret and the power he had over her brothers' futures to coerce her into leaving Ethan--whom the blackmailer wants for himself--and marrying Jared. Theresa stalled, making desperate efforts to recover the evidence of her secret, hiring manipulative tabloid reporter Vincent Clarkson, and even telling Jared that she was being blackmailed and enlisting his help. Jared made contact with mysterious "old friends," entering what he cryptically described as a "deal with the devil" to try to help her, but ended up getting shot in the abdomen, probably by the blackmailer, for his efforts. Eventually, Theresa was out of options, and was coerced into marrying Jared and attempting to conceive his child, much to Ethan's dismay. Jared remains ignorant about his bride's lack of enthusiasm about their marriage and family, and also doesn't know that Ethan and Theresa have continued their affair, with Ethan repeatedly insisting that Theresa will divorce Jared as soon as he manages to exonerate her brothers and reveal the blackmailer's identity; because Ethan and Theresa have repeatedly ignored the blackmailer's demand that they stay away from one another, they've been violently attacked multiple times, including Ethan having been tied naked to a chair and molested, Theresa being threatened at knifepoint, Ethan nearly being pressed to death between two walls, and Ethan and Theresa being trapped inside the burning Crane Mausoleum. Presently, Theresa finds herself in an unenviable position, wanting both to help her brothers and to protect her secret, in part because she doesn't trust Ethan to forgive her for keeping the secret when he finds out. Despite Theresa's secret and the fact that both she and Ethan remain married to other people, Theresa accepted Ethan's proposal of marriage on June 27, 2007; upon finding out about her continued relationship with Ethan, Jared gracefully bowed out of the picture and wished Theresa every happiness, while Ethan's wife, Gwen, has also signed her divorce papers. Increasingly, Theresa's refusal to tell Ethan her secret seems more motivated by fear of his reaction than fear of the blackmailer or fear for her brothers. Her situation is complicated by the fact that as many people in Harmony know her secret as don't; while Ethan remains in the dark, people who know that he is Little Ethan's father include Whitney, Pilar, Chad, Julian, Eve, Father Lonigan, Luis, Jared, Vincent, and, perhaps most pressingly for Theresa (who is being encouraged on all fronts to tell Ethan the truth), Gwen and Rebecca, who have committed to using Theresa's secret to destroy her relationship with Ethan. Theresa finally married Ethan on August 20, 2007. Gwen tried to stop the wedding and honeymoon by telling Ethan the truth but was stopped by Alistair who wants to keep Little Ethan's real paternity a secret to protect his corporate interests. Alistair has other plans for revenge on Theresa. On August 29, 2007, Theresa finally revealed to Ethan that he has a son during his hospitalization for eating poisoned strawberries which Alistair had intended for her. The next day a nurse told Theresa that she believed Ethan could indeed hear everything Theresa said. Theresa tested this by asking Ethan to squeeze her hand, which he did. After Ethan woke up from his coma, he revealed he had heard Theresa's revelation that he has a son (although she had failed to mention his son's name or that she was the mother). The two were overjoyed. Theresa finally asked Pilar to go get Little Ethan. As Pilar and Little Ethan walk in to the hospital room, Gwen enters with a surprise. She hands Ethan a baby boy and says, "This is your son, our son, yours and mine." Passions ends with the scene of Ethan holding the baby, Gwen smirking at her rival, and Theresa looking horrified at the scene. Currently, Theresa is told by her mother that she must abandon Ethan forever or her whole family will die. Theresa is torn between her true love and the entire Lopez-Fitzgerald family.


Pilar is the matriarch of the Lopez-Fitzgerald family. She was born in Mexico, but moved to Harmony in her twenties as the wife of Martin Fitzgerald, whom she married when she was 18. She immediately got a job working for the wealthy Winthrop family, becoming Ivy Winthrop's personal maid when Ivy was only a small child. When Ivy wed Julian Crane, Pilar went with her to the Crane household. Martin disappeared shortly after Pilar gave birth to their youngest daughter, Paloma Lopez-Fitzgerald, leaving her with five children under age 10. Pilar immediately sent Paloma to Mexico to live with and be raised by her sister Maria, leaving grade-school-aged Antonio in charge of toddlers Theresa and Miguel. At the same time, the young family was also kicked out of their home, which was on the Crane grounds. Pilar refused to leave Ivy and, because the Cranes paid poorly, she had to work two jobs to support her family, leaving young Antonio to care for his younger brothers and sister. This continued for the next dozen years until Antonio disappeared shortly after Luis graduated high school, at which point Luis became a police officer and Pilar could quit her second job so they could support the family together. Although Pilar had always been loyal to Ivy (including keeping the secret of the paternity of her son, Ethan Crane), her first loyalty is to her family. She knew Theresa was stalking and scheming to break up Ethan and Gwen Hotchkiss, Ethan's girlfriend, but did nothing to stop her daughter. She took preventative methods when she learned that Theresa had been snooping and had come across the papers that proved that Ethan was Sam Bennett's son--not Julian Crane's son. Even when Theresa lied outright to her employer and her son, Pilar kept quiet. With the secret about Ethan finally out in the open, Pilar tried hard to keep Ivy from interfering in Sam and Grace Bennett's marriage. Ivy and Sam had dated in the 1970s It soon became clear where her loyalties lay when she learned that Ivy was prepared to tell her son the truth about Theresa. That the girl had accidentally wed Julian and then believed that she was having his child. Rather than risk her daughter being exposed for her actions, Pilar attacked the wheelchair bound Ivy, leaving her locked in her room without any means of escape so that Theresa would be able to marry Ethan without interference. Unfortunately, Ivy was able to tell her son the truth. Pilar lost her job at the mansion a few times, but always came back until Theresa was finally ousted as being an impostor heir to the throne. The family were later evicted from their home, and Pilar became very ill, eventually being hospitalized. A mystery cure seemed to be helping her, but after she learned of Antonio's death, she relapsed. Pilar seemed to finally be cured, and then Martin returned to town. Initially Pilar was overjoyed, but upset to learn of Martin's many-years affair with Katherine Crane, whom he had been forced to flee with after Alistair Crane threatened to kill his entire family. Pilar wasn't willing to let her husband go, though, and was determined to get him back. She even aligned herself with Alistair at one point, but was unable to use the information that he gave her in order to force Martin to be with her. Martin finally confessed to Pilar about why he had left town, and Pilar admitted that she knew -- she knew about Alistair raping Katherine, about the beatings, about Martin helping Alistair cover up Sheridan's murder of her aunt, Rachel Barrett. Martin and Pilar began planning for their life together, and things only seemed to get better when they discovered that Rachel was alive after all, meaning that Martin hadn't really helped cover up a murder. Martin and Pilar moved forward with their future, planning an elaborate vow renewal. Unfortunately, Pilar discovered Martin and Katherine together just hours before the ceremony and told Martin to get out of her life, even though he swore that she was the only one that he wanted. Six months later, she filed for divorce. Pilar was doing a bit better at the beginning of the year. She mostly spent time with her children whenever they'd come around to visit her. In Marchm she began to worry about her children, with good reason; the blackmailer started terrorizing her children's lives more and more. Miguel was framed for running down Nicholas Foxworth Crane with his car and was sent to jail. Luis was framed for the rape attacks on Fancy Crane, the murders of Rae Thomas and a bartender named Dylan that worked at the Blue Note, and arson. Theresa's secret--Little Ethan, her son, is really Ethan's biological son--is threatened to be revealed to Ethan if Theresa doesn't comply. Theresa planned to keep this secret to herself until Julian Crane found out the truth when the blackmailer told him to get a DNA test on Little Ethan. Theresa and Julian made a deal; she won't tell Fancy she's the Crane heiress, if Julian doesn't tell Ethan that Little Ethan is his son. Paloma's life is known to be the easiest of the Lopez-Fitzgerald children. She is currently dating Noah Bennett and does well at her job as a cop. Pilar regularly prays for her children and believes that they will somehow make it through these hard times. Pilar comforts her daughter Theresa while she prays for Ethan to wake up from his a coma. She has a dark secret that her family doesn't know about. Gwen finds out the secret and Pilar tells Theresa to stay away from Ethan. She also claims that if her secret is exposed, someone eviler than Alistar Crane wil come to town to kill her family.


The daughter of governor Harrison Winthrop and Helen Revere-Mott-Beaton, Ivy was (originally) born sometime in 1956. She grew up in a state neighboring Maine and was raised in the lap of luxury, her mother a descendant of Paul Revere. It was possibly her advantaged upbringing that led her to an affair with a Harmony lifeguard, Sam Bennett. Although she knew of Sam's intention to be a cop, Ivy was determined that she would marry Sam and make him give up his blue collar roots, and have him become a businessman, running her father's shipping company, even though she knew he never wanted that. When Sam took a job for the summer working for Ivy's father to make enough money to marry Ivy to keep her in the lifestyle to which she was accustomed, Ivy soon began seeing Julian Crane, and they eventually became lovers. Throughout the summer, she heard nothing from Sam, unaware that her father was stopping the letters from getting back and forth. Harrison Winthrop knew his daughter, and knew she would never be happy on a policeman's salary. Ivy proved her father right when she got closer and closer to Julian Crane, accepting his offer of marriage after Ivy believed Sam had begun seeing other women. She wed Julian in 1974 believing that his love for her and his father's money would be enough to make her happy. She moved to Harmony after marrying Julian. On their wedding night, Ivy learned that Julian had been forced into marriage by his father, Alistair, and went to Sam, officially consummating their relationship. The next day she went to her father and told him that she was leaving Julian, and she and Sam would live off her trust fund, and Harrison would just have to accept it. Harrison told her that if she wanted to be with Sam it was her choice, but there was no money -- their family was broke, the trust fund was gone, and if she left Julian to be with Sam, Ivy would have to live off whatever Sam could make. Ivy went back to Julian, and left on their honeymoon the next day. Unbeknownst to all, Ivy learned she was with child. She decided to use this to her advantage, and secure a place for Sam's child within the Crane dynasty by passing him/her off as Julian's child. In the spring of 1975, she gave birth to a son, Ethan Crane (later in life he would change his name to Ethan Winthrop). Ivy doted upon her son, so much so she ignored her other three children, sending them off to boarding school as soon as possible. Ivy also resented her husband Julian and kicked him out of their bed after their youngest child, Fox, was born. She became cold and aloof toward him and, as a result, he nicknamed her "Ice Princess", and "Poison Ivy". Ivy was still affected by her memories of Sam; she still kept a locket he gave her with his picture inside, and placed a photo of Ethan on the opposite side. This always reminded her of the love she and Sam once shared. She relied on the locket through the years, and also wrote a letter to Sam explaining the truth to him. At the last minute she decided to keep it. She seemed content being the wife of a Crane, only putting the needs of Ethan before everything else. Eventually, she had three more children by Julian - two daughters, Pretty and Fancy, and a son, Fox. Though Ivy did love her children, she never really showed it - only toward Ethan. By the time Ethan was ten, all of his younger siblings were in boarding school, in part so that Ivy could punish Julian by making sure he never knew his children, and in part because she had no interest in any children that did not belong to Sam. In July of 1999, Ivy Winthrop Crane accidentally met new police chief Sam Bennett for the first time since they last saw each other back in 1974. In the coming months Ivy became obsessed with Sam and his family. The Crane way of life had overtaken and driven her to become power-mad. She did however, have a softer side and wanted to tell Sam several times that he was the father of Crane heir Ethan but changed her mind due to advice from friend and confidant Pilar Lopez-Fitzgerald. Nonetheless, Ivy began inserting herself into several charitable events, always making sure Sam would be there, and she would always try to tell him the truth but fail to do so. Consumed over wanting to tell the truth over and over again, Ivy always stopped herself. She continually made advances toward Sam, and unwillingly was forced to obey her wicked father-in-law Alistair Crane in helping him break up Sheridan Crane and Luis Lopez-Fitzgerald. She also lent a hand in helping her son to follow his heart when he tackled if he would propose to Gwen Hotchkiss or Theresa Lopez-Fitzgerald. When she learned that Dr. Eve Russell had been Julian's love before Julian and Eve's marriages, she used that information to blackmail Eve not only into keeping quiet about her obsession with Sam, but into helping her land Sam and covering up Ethan's conception date so Sam wouldn't think it was possible that Ethan was his son. When the events of the Passions Storm led Ivy to confess who Ethan's true father was, everyone dismissed the idea, believing Ivy to be delusional from a head injury. Manipulating and cunning Ivy tried to infiltrate several romantic interludes Sam shared with his wife Grace, but would always fail miserably at every chance she had. One thorn in Ivy's side was Gwen's meddling mother Rebecca Hotchkiss. She never really liked Ivy, so she wanted to take her place as Mrs. Julian Crane. She tried to come up with a scheme to get rid of her. As luck would have it, Ivy kept mentioning Sam in her presence. One day, Ivy slipped and mentioned how she was worried about Ethan's father. Rebecca knew that it couldn't have been Julian because he was in the mansion with her. Plus, she hated Julian. She finally figured out that Sam was Ethan's father. She didn't have any proof of this so she had to look for it. While she was looking for proof, she found Ivy's locket with Sam and Ethan's picture in it. She also found her daughter's rival Theresa's laptop that contained the proof she needed. Ivy's letter to Sam was on the computer. The letter said that Sam was Ethan's father. Unknown to Ivy, Rebecca told her daughter what she found out, and Rebecca convinced Gwen that exposing the truth was the only way to show Ethan how manipulative Theresa really was. Rebecca hid her own motivations, which involved getting revenge on both Ivy and Theresa. As Ivy celebrated the engagement of Ethan and Theresa, she was unaware of the Rebecca's plan that would destroy her life. The two women had found and sent a letter Ivy wrote to Sam long ago to the tabloids. A tabloid reporter who printed the headline, Mort Chandler, snuck in to the party and showed a stunned Julian the headline, "Crane Secret Revealed! Ethan Crane is Sam Bennett's Son!" An enraged and grieved Julian exposed Ivy's betrayal to the whole town and denounced Ethan as his son. Ivy suffered emotional turmoil by Sam, Julian, Ethan, and even Grace-- who miscarried a baby boy, when she learned the shocking truth, and blamed Ivy for it. Alistair quickly turned his back on Ethan as well. Lost without his identity as a Crane, Ethan vowed to destroy whoever ruined his life. So did Ivy, who tried making up for her secrets to everyone. Grace, still upset over her baby's death, cursed Ivy with her Standish powers. But, a curse would not put Ivy down. Even after the devastating tabloid scandal, Ivy still wanted to be a part of Sam's life. She devised a way to break up the Bennett marriage. She hired a photographer David Hastings to pose as Grace's long-lost husband. Ivy had explosive information on David and blackmailed him into having her way. David hated every minute of it, but was forced to follow her orders. David came to Harmony that July, and began inserting himself into the Bennetts' lives. Ivy watched from afar, preoccupied with helping Ethan (now using her last name Winthrop) and Theresa plan their double wedding with her brother Luis Lopez-Fitzgerald and Sheridan Crane. What Ivy did not know was that a desperate Gwen made an anonymous call to the tabloid, identifying Theresa, Ethan's own fiancée, as the person responsible for sending the e-mail. The tabloid reporter ran the story, and on the wedding day, Rebecca made arrangements for a printed copy to be left in Ivy's bedroom. As Ivy dressed for the wedding, she found the tabloid, and believed the false story! She sped away to the church in her car, and crashed right through the church wall! She stopped the ceremony and denounced Theresa in front of all the shocked guests! Theresa admitted she knew Ethan was a Bennett and didn't tell him, but swore she was innocent of sending the e-mail. Gwen also denounced her, stating she was lying. Ethan was devastated Theresa knew, and Ivy encouraged Ethan never to trust Theresa again. Though Ivy tried to talk Ethan out of loving Theresa, he still had feelings for her. That August, he learned Theresa was in Bermuda, and tracked her down. Ivy realized Julian was there finalizing their divorce. Feeling distressed, Ivy managed to seek comfort in the fact that David was succeeding in braking up the Bennett marriage. Ivy's plan continued, and she continued to masquerade as the devoted friend. When the dispatched hurricane Peggy struck Harmony, Ivy assisted Sam in helping him fix Harmony's lighthouse beacon to save the Harmony teenager's on Warlock Island. However, in the midst of the storm she was struck by lightning, and fell from the lighthouse ladder. Wet and delusional Ivy believed she was dying. Sam managed to send for paramedics. Ivy nearly died on the way to the hospital and was revived. Later, Eve announced Ivy suffered from spinal injuries and had to have intensive surgery. Ivy pulled through the surgery, though now she was wheel-chair bound and could not walk very far. Julian even considered murdering her while she was in her hospital cubicle. She had frequent lapses of pain and for a time became addicted to pain medication. But, Ivy's spirit was not stopped. She continued to instruct David to woo Grace into falling in love with him so that she could have Sam for herself. Unfortunately, Rebecca saw Ivy's extended recovery as the opportunity to bar Ivy completely from the Crane Mansion and have it redecorated in her tastes. Ivy was furious, and even disgusted when she saw what color Rebecca painted the mansion's living room and its tacky furniture. Ivy refused to accept the divorce, and it was only thanks to Eve and Ethan that she was accepted at all. Eve blackmailed Julian so that Ivy was allowed to stay in the mansion, and Ethan planned to fight for his mother's rights in not accepting the Bermuda divorce. Rebecca soon moved into the Crane mansion and wanted Ivy's friend and companion Pilar fired. Ivy refused. Rebecca responded by shooting Ivy's favorite vase! She proceeded to destroy many of Ivy's heirlooms. Even though she was an unwanted guest at the mansion, Ivy stood her ground. She begged Ethan to still not marry Theresa, still believing the girl told her secret to the tabloids. It wasn't long before she found out Julian was married to Theresa! She blamed Theresa not knowing that it was Julian who intoxicated her, and drunk himself were set up by his friend Bruce in a marriage ceremony, later revealed to be a sham. Ivy was going to tell Ethan about the secret, but Theresa-now emotionally unstable after learning that she was expecting a child which she assumed to be Julian's- stopped her, and broke Ivy's wheelchair with a fireplace poker. She then locked Ivy in her room. Ivy was determined to tell Ethan the secret even if it meant crawling to Ethan and telling him the truth and that is what she did! With every ounce of strength Ivy crawled down the Crane Mansion steps interrupting yet another wedding- Julian and Rebecca's. Ivy fell unconscious and was placed in the hospital again. Julian evilly wanted the secret of his marriage to Theresa to stay hidden as well and decide to eliminate his wives. He mercilessly coaxed the unstable Theresa to the idea of killing Ivy by putting his lighter up to the unconscious woman's oxygen tank. Theresa could not murder and stopped at the last second, but the explosion was accidentally caused when Rebecca- who was wearing jewelry which brushed up against the tank and caused the explosion! All three women survived. Ivy eventually awoke. Through circumstances she was able to contact Mort Chandler and make him reveal to Ethan the truth about his bride to be's pregnancy on New Years Eve. Shaken, Ethan left Theresa, and Ivy was triumphant. Ivy and almost all of Harmony were determined to rid the world of Julian Crane, for all the misery he bestowed upon every body's lives. Ivy was one of the main suspects in his so called "murder" investigation. (Julian had faked his death and was in hiding; the real culprit turned out to be Liz Sanbourne). It was not long before Ivy, Theresa, and Rebecca were involved in a court battle to see who really was the rightful Mrs. Julian Crane! When Theresa emerged victorious, Ivy and Rebecca plotted revenge. Rebecca doctored a video cassette of the suppossed murder site the Crane Cannery, and showed Ivy video footage of what appeared to be Ethan shooting Julian. Rebecca revealed it was false, and revealed that once Theresa saw it she would turn herself in not wanting her beloved Ethan to be imprisoned for murder. Though reluctant, Ivy agreed to Rebecca's plot. Theresa confessed, and was executed, but it turned out to be staged in order to bring Julian back to town. Ivy was now a unwelcome houseguest in a home that just a year before, she had called her own. After Theresa, as Julian's new wife, kicked Ivy out of the Crane mansion, Sam allowed Ivy to move into the Bennett garage, causing a rift between Sam and Grace. Ultimately, tensions over Kay, David, and Ivy led the Bennetts to split; Sam and Ivy kissed at Julian and Rebecca's wedding at the end of December, reuniting the former lovers, and ending Ivy's paralysis. Once Grace left with David for Italy in May, Ivy's future with Sam seemed extremely bright. However, once Liz exposed Eve's past with Julian, Ivy had nothing left with which to blackmail Eve, and Ivy's end seemed near. However, for one reason or another, Eve never told anyone about rigging John's DNA test, and Ivy's secret stayed safe. Fearful that Grace would be lured back to town by Jessica's problems, Ivy allowed Jessica to run rampant and hid the girl's self-mutilation from her father. Sam was furious when he found out and kicked Ivy out of the house. During and after the tsunami, however, they made up, and Ivy moved back into the Bennett home. In November, Sam proposed, and Ivy gleefully accepted. Meanwhile, Ivy's younger son, Fox, slept with Sam's older daughter, Kay, during the tsunami, and they began to date. Ivy opposed their relationship, however, aware of Kay's history as a schemer; fearful that Kay would hurt her son, Ivy hired Valerie Davis to come between the two at work. Displeased with Fox's relationship with Kay Bennett, Ivy schemed to bring Kay's ex-obsession, Miguel Lopez-Fitzgerald, back to Harmony. Unbeknownst to her, Fox also began scheming with his father to keep Kay and Miguel apart, thus foiling Ivy's plans; Fox and Kay became engaged in March. A guilt-ridden Kay finally confessed to the fact that Ivy had hired David Hastings, thus exposing Ivy. Despite her pleas, Sam broke off his engagement with Ivy and began working to reconcile with Grace. Dejected and drunk, Ivy ended up sleeping with her ex-husband, Julian. Despite her schemes, Fox and Kay married on January 10; meanwhile, Grace's death left Sam even more enraged, and he blamed Ivy, swearing to never forgive her. Heartbroken, Ivy turned to Julian, and the two had sex again. Unfortunately, Sam, who had been convinced to forgive Ivy, walked in and blasted her for "betraying" him with Julian. Sam swore to never go back to Ivy again. Julian and Ivy, realizing that they would never be with their respective loves, decided to try to reunite. Honesty, however put a rift between their relationship. Ivy's relationship with Fox was also damaged when she accidentally revealed that her terminally ill son was not dying at all. She managed to reconnect somewhat with her daughter Fancy, and both were shocked when Pretty Crane returned to Harmony, blaming both her mother and sister for her horribly scarred face. Gradually, Ivy began turning toward her feelings for Sam again when tragedy struck. Fox was murdured in September 2007, the victim of an unseen culprit. A devastated Ivy blamed Fox's widow Kay, and believed that her former daughter-in-law was a serial killer.


Pretty Crane is the youngest daughter of Julian Crane and Ivy Winthrop, and the granddaughter of the Crane patriarch Alistair Crane. She was born sometime in the early 1980s, and conceived in Sri Lanka as her parents desperately sought to find a way to love one another. Julian chose to name their daughter Pretty, feeling the name to be fitting, since she was such a beautiful baby. Pretty grew up as the third of four children: Ethan, Fancy, herself, and Fox; it wasn't until Pretty was grown that the world learned that Ethan was actually Ivy's son with ex-lover Sam Bennett. Pretty, along with Fancy and Fox, were sent away to boarding school at a young age; Julian was never concerned with being a father to his children, and Ivy favored Ethan because she carried a torch for his biological father Sam. Though never quite a party girl like her older sister, Pretty did apparently rebel as a pre-teen and adolescent. On the day of her sister's thirteenth birthday, Fancy and Pretty stole the caterer's van and drove it halfway to neighboring Castleton. Pretty's Aunt Sheridan also mentioned that Pretty had a reputation for being the more "unstable" of the two sisters. Episodes throughout 2005 and 2006 gave the impression that Fancy and Pretty had a good relationship; when Fancy returned home to Harmony in mid-2005, she mentioned that she and Pretty had been traveling together in Italy, where Pretty had fallen in love with an Italian count or prince, and Fancy was seen talking with an off-screen Pretty in December of 2005 when Ethan was set to be taken off of life support. However, early in 2007, Passions history was re-written, and Fancy and Pretty were said to have had a very competitive relationship. Sheridan commented that Fancy once stole one of Pretty's dates one Labor Day simply because she could, dumping the boy a week later. Even though Fancy protested that events had not unfolded as her aunt had claimed, she did not give her own viewpoint of the event. According to the NBC website, Pretty is Julian and Ivy's youngest child. [1] This contradicts previous mentions on the show of Fox being Julian and Ivy's youngest child. As teenagers, a fight between the two sisters left Pretty badly scarred on the right side of her face. In the aftermath, the two sisters provided contradicting stories: Pretty claimed that Fancy, jealous that a new boy in town, Harrison, had eyes only for Pretty, intentionally scarred her younger sister by pouring a bottle labeled "Pool Clear Cyanuric Acid" on her face; Fancy claimed that Pretty had been choking her, and, desperate to escape, she had grabbed something with which to defend herself, unaware that the bottle contained acid. After the accident, Pretty left Harmony and cut herself off from her family. Though she saw many plastic surgeons, none were able to fix her scars; they were only able to minimize it to its current state. As a result, Pretty harbors deep resentment against her sister, believing that Fancy intentionally scarred her, thus eliminating Pretty's chances of ever having a normal life, marrying, and having children. She also blames her parents for wanting her gone, to protect the Crane's family image. At half-brother Vincent Clarkson's request, Pretty returned to Harmony on July 30, 2007, with the intent of preventing her sister's impending nuptials to the soon-to-be-executed Luis Lopez-Fitzgerald. Eager to destroy her sister's happiness, Pretty told her sister that she would reveal her version of their fight to Luis if Fancy didn't cancel the wedding; Fancy eventually complied. Ivy bumped into Pretty, and even though Ivy was happy to see her, Pretty only showed anger and resentment towards her. When Pretty tried to tell Luis what had happened all those years ago as he was walking to the execution chamber, Pilar Lopez-Fitzgerald punched her in the face, knocking her unconscious; Ivy, Pilar and Fancy left her unconscious on the floor of a jail cell, with Ivy stating that she'll have someone come and check on her later. Father Lonigan brought out a softer side of Pretty, even convincing her to let Luis die in peace. Pretty's mercy was short-lived, however, because, soon after Luis was cleared of all charges, she told him of the accident involving herself and her sister, and was incensed when Luis did not leave Fancy. Eager for revenge, Pretty joined forces with her grandfather, Alistair, despite his earlier cruelty to her (he'd spurned her and called her "Ugly Crane"), and drugged her sister so that Alistair could have a special mind-control device implanted into Fancy's brain.

